King and Queen County Land and Farms

Farms and land in King and Queen County are popular with investors, businesses and sportsmen looking for rural living, low-cost land, a ready workforce and natural resources needed for recreation. Located in the Coastal region, King and Queen County land is adjacent to Caroline, Essex, Middlesex, Gloucester, James City, New Kent and King William. The 326-square-mile county remains one of the state’s most sparsely populated counties with just 7,025 residents. Forestry, farming and recreational tourism including hunting and fishing form the foundation of its economy. King and Queen County farmland encompasses 48,246 acres, and 76% of agricultural sales are for crops. Twenty-four percent of the farmland remains in woodlands, some of which is ready for lumbering. Fishermen enjoy catching crappie, catfish, largemouth bass, redbreast sunfish and small striped bass in the Mattaponi River, Dragon Swamp and the many creeks in the area. Hunters take home waterfowl, deer, turkeys and small game from the Browne Tract and the Dragon Run State Forest. Other attractions include Fort Mattapony and The Tavern Museum. King and Queen County Public Schools provides K-12 public education.

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